Dr. Nicholas Hedges DC, MS, CCSP, MDT-Cert, DNS-P

Since Graduating from Chiropractic School, Dr. Nic has always been fascinated by the integration of treatment approaches. He found that a single approach can work well for a complaint, but it is the integration of approaches that can work wonders. This was the insight that led him to open Synergy Sports Clinic.

“I always tell people that I spent more time in the training room than actually running in college, mostly because I was always sidelined with an injury or was trying to prevent my next injury from happening. But there was a silver lining in being injury prone, I got firsthand experience with a multitude of running injuries, as well as firsthand experience with getting treatment from a variety of healthcare professionals. I had some amazing experiences with healthcare professionals, and some not so stellar experiences. These experiences led me to chiropractic school, and then across the world in search of wisdom and information that can better serve the active people in Grand Junction Colorado and the greater Western Slope area.” - Dr. Nic

While treating injuries is Dr. Nic’s day job, his passion is preventing them from happening in the first place. You can check out his podcast ArtOfPrevention anywhere you find podcasts.


A powerful tool to improve Range of motion and decrease pain in the spine and extremities. Dr. Nic was the president of the motion palpation club while in school, because of which he was able to take many continuing education course and teach adjustment techniques to classmates

Soft Tissue mobilization

Dr. Nic uses a plethora of soft tissue techniques. These techniques may include pin and stretch, fascial manipulation, and others. He also is able to give you tools and show you how to perform soft tissue mobilization on yourself.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a tool with which we can improve circulation, range of motion, and modulate pain. Dr. Nic has been taking dry needling course since chiropractic school, and has had the opportunity to assist teaching multiple dry needling courses previously.

Mckenzie Method

Mckenzie Method (MDT) is a physical therapy technique in which we evaluate the effect of repeated or sustained movements on your overall pain and function.

Treatment Specialties

Dynamic Neuromuscular stabilization

DNS is an amazing lens through which we are able to assess human movement. Through assessment we can see abhorrent movement patterns, then utilize DNS rehabilitation techniques to optimize muscle and joint synergy.


Many speak of nerve knowing how to improve nerve function, but very few have taken courses specifically about nerve function and mobilization. Dr. Nic has take Clinical Neurodynamics courses from the author of Neurodynamics Michael Shacklock PT, and feels these courses are necessary for proper treatment of numbness, tingling, and other nerve pathologies.

Art Of Prevention

Treating injuries is one thing, but preventing injuries is even better. Thus Dr. Nic began the Art of Prevention Podcast. In this podcast Dr. Nic distills information from research, high level coaches, clinicians, and athletes so that you can be armed with the tools and knowledge about injury prevention. You can check out the art of prevention podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts, or click on the picture to got straight to the website.